Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Chants and Cheers Competition

                Another competition that will test ABMA 151's patience towards each other and skills that they have is Chants and Cheers, an event where 6 teams has to compete by chanting and cheering their own piece; those 6 teams are the ABMA blocks, and CPE 151 and ECE 151.

                We were given 1-2 weeks to create a piece for our chant and cheers. We were brainstorming and giving some ideas to the leader. The first piece was inspired by cup song, but some thinks that it's already very mainstream so it was changed. I find our leader funny while creating the piece that we'll perform because when somebody in our block suggests she would immediately ask them to write it and pass it to her, she would say "Sige, lagay niyo lang diyan, para marami tayong masabi." And it actually worked because we were able to create a piece to perform in Chants and Cheers and it was meaningful as well.

                Now, the hardest part was the steps to make beats and memorizing the whole piece. Some doesn't get the steps that easily so it has to be repeated several times or taught slowly to be able for them to catch up. Those steps contains stomping of feet and clapping of hands to create a pattern of beat. When it comes to memorizing the songs, we all had a hard time because not all of us knows the whole piece, some would murmur the words once they don't know the lines and when we practice we would sound like dead people or we lack energy. Our leader and our other blockmates who are heads of the practice scolded us because we weren't doing it right, we had several shouts and arguments with each other, but after we had an open forum we were able to restart again and continue with our practice. It's very suprising actually because after that heart to heart talk within our block we were able to practice with full energy and loud united voice.
               After a long long hard practice we performed in Chants and Cheers competition with nervousness and excitement. Showing what we've accomplished and what our block has done, we were blessed to be placed as 2nd runner in the competition. Yay! 

Here we are coming your way,

chanting our hearts and


We're ABMA 151!

(cr: all the photographers in the event)

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