Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Seminar Review: Phlippine Media & The Millennials

           On January 29, 2016 we attended a seminar today in our school, it was about Phlippine Media & The Millennials, our speaker: Mr. Toni Tiemsin who graduated in UP Diliman Journalism in year 2009, and currently studying MA in Philippine Studies in the same school. He's the Editor-in-Chief of, Media and Communications Officer of Save the Children, Former Executive Producer of GMA News Hourly Bulletins, GMA News Special Assignments Team. He gave us a seminar about how media works.

            Before he discussed, we were shown videos about the untold stories of Martial Law upto People Power Revolution. It seems that we were not told of the other parts of the history. One of the things mentioned is that "The Millennials are a generation that has hope for the future." but we're also called the Me Me Me Generation, why? Because of what the media offers, we use media to show how we feel even if it's negative or positive, that's where we also post negative and positive insights and comments disregarding how would people react or feel. We also take hundreds of pictures not even checking if the source is reliable or the post is appropriate.

     Our generation today is advancing in technology that's why none of us can keep a secret or keep our private life because through social media we can be tracked from who we are to what we do.  Some people keep themselves anonymous to everyone especially if there agenda is negative. People live a double life, creating multiple accounts, living differently in social media compare to their real life. People are living a lie and being a lie. And People are mistaken for a different identity. Through media we could find out what's happening in our surroundings immediately. We're always informed about all kinds of things even what's happening in other countries. We can also communicate and get informed faster through internet where mostly everything can be searched.

            Media is the one who gives us news and updates about our country, it may be about politics, entertainment, sports, events, animals and etc. anything that's accurate, significant, interesting and prominent.

            Journalism is a public trust, therefore, we must take care of that trust. And as a prosumer (Producer-Consumer) we must be responsible, be relevant, be sensitive and be intelligent. Stay well-informed and well-mannered.

Insights: Parasyte: Part 1

               Watching horror or gore movies isn't really my type but sometimes I would end watching them because of my friends or maybe because it was required just like this movie that I'm going to write a blog about. It's called "Parasyte: Part 1" It's a science fiction horror film, this was adapted from it's manga series.

                I was so excited when our Professor told us that we will watch a movie. Excited as I am seeing the cover of the movie... my friend told me that it's a horror film. I became silent and thinking if I'm going to enjoy watching it. And then I asked if it's gore as well, and she answered yes...I'm doomed! But I told myself that we might be asked to write a blog about it so I still have to watch it. At first, I was waiting for something to jump out our scare the hell out of us but no... the first scenes just creeped and grossed me out because it's the parasytes invading the human's brain through entering the ear of the human. However the brain of the main character named Shinichi Izumi wasn't was almost invaded if it's not for his earphones and if he didn't felt that a parasyte was entering his nose. Instead the parasyte entered in his arm. I find the parasyte who invaded shinishi's arm kinda cute because of it's curiousity and how it talks like there's not problem for shinichi to be worried about. I observed that shinichi's personality changed through the whole film, he became braver and strategic because of he's plan to destroy the whole parasytes and to save mankind. I really felt bad for him though because his mom was killed by one of the parasytes who invaded her body  using it's head. It was very heart breaking to see Shinichi kill his mom so that he wouldn't be killed but at I really like that his mom still saved him even though she's already being controlled by the parasyte. I guess when the parasyte exchanged the head the heart of Shinichi's mother is still there never been invaded.

                I actually learned something in the movie, don't ever hide something from your parents because you would eventually regret it. And always express your love towards those people who you really care about because you never know what might happen to them.

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Hard work taken?

            Creating a world of your own, but what if someone copies it? Won’t you feel bad? Or worst angry? I think all of us wants to be distinct from the others, but what if in simple ways we can’t even do something right.

            Stealing something that isn’t ours; one example of this is plagiarism. We never consider this because we thought it’s alright but it’s not. Taking something owned by others like ideas, expressions, compositions, phrases, designs, images, videos, songs and etc is definitely erroneous when you don’t acknowledge the owner or write the reference. We’re stealing someone’s hard work like it’s a piece of cake. We always want everything spoon feed to us; however, this isn’t a good practice especially to students who tend to like making things easier.

            It’s really easy now in our generation to find resources of answers because of internet and easy access from magazines, books, newspapers, journals, blogs, profiles and etc. These things are a blessing and a good advantage for us but sometimes we tend to be irresponsible; exploiting other people’s work.

            According to, Mathieu Bouville, Plagiarism is a crime against academy. Misleading readers, hurting plagiarized authors, and the plagiarist takes advantage of the benefits.

            I have to say I’m guilty even if I’m against plagiarism because sometimes it makes it easier but sometimes I hate that I have the same answers with my other classmates because we all did get it from the same source. Oh! How I wish mine was the unique one. Nevertheless, I should have been a good example to my classmates.

            We can’t let laziness take over; we must be responsible and we must work hard. We must learn how to quote, cite, paraphrase and learn referencing. Let’s be careful and as much as possible avoid plagiarizing. 

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