Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Who wouldn’t want to be a millionaire? I think almost everyone wants to. 

                On March 8, 2016 we had an event called “Who wants to be a millionare?” yes it’s similar to the original game show but this is more focused on English. Each chosen blocks has three representatives to play in the game, whoever wins first place receives a trophy and a cash prize worth 3000 pesos and whoever wins second place gets a trophy as well and a cash prize worth 1500 pesos. Yes, it’s not literally millions but STILL it’s CASH!

                The whole audience was the blocks rooting for their respective representatives. It was fun watching them play and answer correctly. Audiences also had the opportunity to learn because of the questions and facts that was given to the players. Some of the questions were easy because of stock knowledge, some are challenging and some are unknown to them so some of them try guessing.

                     It was nerve wrecking for the representatives because their blocks are watching, cheering and cheering for them to win because they are the ones who has received high grades from the subject who was chosen to be their adviser for the said event. Some might have really reviewed for the event and some might have just relaxed until the event comes. I actually liked watching because I was learning new facts and words.

Seeing how the real game show is, I have to say that the questions for our version was still easy because in the original it’s mixed with Science, English, Math, History and other facts. Kudos to those who win and survive from the game especially those who are able to answer the million worth question but I am still proud of those players in our event mainly those who represented our block even if we didn’t win.

Photos taken by me.


Insights: Sana Dati

Love stories in real life doesn’t always end the way we wanted it to be because we don’t hold the future. I was able to watch a movie entitled “Sana Dati”. A romantic movie about a videographer named Dennis who was hired to cover the wedding of Andrea, the last love of his older brother Andrew. Andrea is getting married to Robert, a failed politician turned businessman who she first met in a wedding where she also met Andrew who was making a cover for the event. Andrea and Andrew eloped disobeying their parents and leaving their family. Sadly, Andrew dies due to his sickness Arrhythmia leaving Andrea who can’t move-on by his sudden death. Although, she has decided to live a new life and get married, Dennis’ unexpected appearance in her wedding gave her a chance to remember all the memories she had with Andrew making us viewers know what really happened. 

It really hurts to lose someone who we really love but what hurts more is when they die. No one can really predict what the future holds and sometimes the outcome hurts. Trying to forget them is really hard especially if we hadn’t really accepted it or moved on from it. Also, wrong decisions can bring bad effects especially when we disobey our parents. It’s not always us who make decisions in love we would always need somebody’s guidance mainly God’s guidance.

What I liked about the movie is that Dennis became a way for Andrea to relive the past love she can’t let go of because of fate’s cruelty. I also liked that Dennis didn’t agree to Andrea’s offer to runaway after the wedding, I felt that his mission was only to learn and know something about Andrea and why his older brother left their family. I loved the ending when Andrea went back to Andrew’s grave, ready to let go along with the things that Andrew gave her. Although, she said that she isn’t going to take of the blue shoes that he gave to her because she still needs to commute, she eventually left it as well when Robert followed her and was planning to pick her up. At the very end of the movie, she finally accepts the love that Robert has for her by saying “I Love You.”

Pictures: from google images